Just thought you all might want to know the good news. Marie and I took Joseph to do baptisms at the temple the other day. You'll be glad to know that Chicago's South-side bad man has been baptized and confirmed. King Kong need no longer shrink, and junk-yard dogs are once again "meaner". That's right, Mr. Leroy Brown, is apparently dead, and a heavenly candidate. I was able to confirm Joseph for that fabled man.
I got a real kick out of the moment. It was all I could do to not start laughing as soon as I read the name. It took me a couple more names to restore complete composure. Being the oldest person in the room, I'm guessing no one else caught the humor in it.
Oh, and by the way, Leroy's middle name? Everett––which may explain why he never used it on the street. It's hard to be the baddest man in the whole d*** town with a middle name like Everett.