Friday, September 25, 2009

...and a little child shall lead them

A few days ago Kerina came to me with something she wanted me to read. It was a letter she had written to President Obama. I figured it was some kind of school assignment, but she informed me that it was just something she wanted to do on her own.

So here's a scan of her letter:

I'm not sure where she got the clipping, but she added it herself. You should be able to click on it to see a larger image.

PS. We did it mail it, but I suspect there will be no response. Undoubtedly Kerina will make Napolitano's domestic terrorist list.


Casey said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS. Tim was impressed as well. What a girl. I love it. I need to post a link from my blog. I really appreciated the part about how her dad would have a big long conversation about it. Awesome job.

Andrew Bosley said...

I LOVE IT! Way to go Kerina. And boy, she sure knows her dad :)
