Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Andrea's Artistic Side

Here's a couple of projects that Andrea has recently done. I helped her with the PSA on Haiti, a project Andrea doesn't care for because she feels it smacks of propaganda. (She did get an A on it - in her English class. English? Neither of us understand the connection other than English is the language used in the PSA.)

The second is something she did for fun in her photography class, because, as she pointed out, she's ahead in the class and had the time.


Andrea said...

Way to go Andrea. Liked the first one, but don't know what PSA stands for. The second one looks really painful. Very creative, though. Love you.

Bart said...

PSA stands for "Public Service Announcement". You here them on the radio all the time. There one of those things on which the government can't wait to blow money.